Do you know that Malaysian trade mark system is based on “first to file, first to get registered” method of trade mark registration. This means that, the earlier you file your brand name or logo, the more chances to get it approved by the registrar. Therefore, if you have a brand, please register it as soon as possible to avoid any infringement in the future. It is either you infringe someone’s trademark or your trademark has been infringed by someone else. Without registration, it is hard to take any legal action to defend your rights.
We are registered trademark agent in Malaysia and we have more than 10 years of experience in handling trademark registration in Malaysia, either from local applicant or from overseas applicant. We have more than 90% success rate of getting our client’s trademark approved and registered. No secret, we deal with all trademark applications professionally. We will make sure that prior to submission of any trademark application, the trademark must comply with Malaysian trademark law in order to get approval.
Our clients come from various backgrounds and industries such as private sectors, government, NGOs, associations and education institutions. Among our reputable clients are Sharp Electronics Malaysia, Mr DIY, Aman Palestin, FAMA, Kementerian Sumber Asli and Jabatan Laut Malaysia.
To know more about trademark registration in Malaysia, please contact us via the following:
Tel: 019-3781629 / 03-67317330
Email: [email protected]
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Dear Azizi Z,
This is a good site on TM matters.
Only one comment/review from my side:
to revise the discussion to follow the new TMA 2019 which has repealed the TMA 1976 in the above discussion.
Jeong CP